Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Did I forget to tell you?

We have had some big changes here in the Walker of those being that I have now joined the forces of working moms out there back in January!

I work at my boys' school and am loving being a aide in kindergarten and subbing in the other classes. Then next year I will be teaching first grade! I never thought I would be working while the boys are still "little" but they are both at school 4 days a week and now so am I and it is the most perfect job I could get right now.

This job has come when we least expected it and I am very thankful for it. I have always told Chad that one day I would want to work at their school. I am totally in love with the curriculum, religious teachings they get, and the teachers there. It is a small LDS school and I love the spirit you get to feel there daily.

I feel lucky that my boys get to attend the school and even luckier to be offered a position there!

1 comment:

Holly Barkdull said...

I'm so excited for you. That is a perfect job for you. I miss you so much. I'm sorry I haven't called you in forever. What we would do for some good old apartment time again:). Love you all.