Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines Day

So yesterday was Valentines Day happy day to you all....

We celebrate every year with a scavenger hunt for the boys....we have done this forever...i used to draw the clues so Kaden could "read" them himself. Now I am trying to think of harder clues so it doesn't take them 3 minutes to do.

This year I also ordered them heart pizza....that was fun and K even drew us directions on how to cut heart pizza.

One last cute E. thing. Lately if he writes you a note or card that he has to sign it says something like "This is Ethan." So when he made Chad's Valentine this is how he signed it.
Too cute!!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

that is sooooooooooo cute! i love the pizza! how fun!!!

oh... i tagged you! check out my blog! :)