Sunday, September 20, 2009

{think what E would do}

After the program at school on Thursday night a parent of another 2nd grader came up to me and wanted to share a funny story. (E is in 2nd grade this year)

Her little 2nd grader has had some behavior problems at school this year and has been in trouble many times. And she was trying to give him ideas of what he could do to make better decisions.

She told him that he should think before he does anything at school and ask himself "would Jesus do this?: and if the answer was no then he wouldn't do it.

He told her he would not do this.

When she asked him why he had a different plan. Hear is what he said

"I will just do what E does. He never talks without raising his hand. He never talks when the teacher is talking and he always does the right thing. So I will just think what E would do."

It was so funny and so true. E is afraid to break ANY rule at school or home and will always do exactly what you ask him too. We hope this continues for a few more years!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

that is very cool! what a good boy!