Tuesday, April 28, 2009

K is NINE!

I don't know how it happens but my boys keep growing and years pass and now my firstborn is 9 years old....stands in height up to my shoulder, with feet almost the same size as mine.

I remember that baby boy who I could cuddle all day, and we would sleep together on the couch in between feedings. I don't know where the time went!

But he is growing up and becoming such a great person. A wonderful friend to all and has such a great personality, with caring in his heart for everyone around him!

Happy Birthday to you!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

i was thinking about him all day! i kept remembering when i came out for a visit and he was just a baby... we layed on the floor for hours and just played! such a good kid!

happy birthday k! hope you had a great day!