Sunday, April 5, 2009

{conference weekend}

So in our house conference weekend is a lazy stay in your jammies kinda of weekend.
But yesterday we got to visit with our St George the boys played most of the day and we listened to bits and pieces of conference.
Years ago a wonderful friend gave us a huge conference bingo board and it has been a huge hit. As soon as the boys know conference weekend is arriving they start asking if I have candy for the board. They sit a listen to the morning session without a problem with our bingo board. TI also print stuff off form sugardoodle to entertain them and usually the morning session goes well.
For the afternoon session we spread out a blanket and dump out the millions of Legos we own...or shall I say that Chad and the boys own. And off to Lego building we go. It is a tad noisier...with help form all the sugar they eat from the bingo game...but legos last us all afternoon conference and into the evening....
So I think the boys hear the conference and are starting to "get it" even if the legos are out.

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