Monday, January 26, 2009

Another Weekend Trip

We headed back to Salt Lake this past Friday to join our Walker family in a well-wishing farewell for Karen and Will (Chad's Mom and her husband) as they get ready to leave for Rome, Italy on an 18 month mission for our church.

We had a short fun visit with everyone and the boys even got to sing in church with all their Walker/Sommerfeldt Cousins. I think there might have been over 20 there to sing out of 39. It was wonderful. Karen and Will gave wonderful talks. Their assigned topic seemed to be faith but it weaved nicely into more personal stories about their childhood and their own parents. Those are the kind of sacrament meetings I enjoy, ones filled with personal experiences and stories as opposed to those filled with quotes from other church people and peppered with to many stories that are not personal to the speaker.

Here is one of the pictures i took of a few walker grandchildren practicing the night before. I told Chad it was sad we couldn't take a picture during sacrament meeting of all the cousins singing b/c it is likely we won't have many of those times with our new Sommerfeldt family and walker family all together (especially the grandchildren.)

1 comment:

Jennie said...

how fun! you guys are quite the travelers these days!!

some friends of mine just went to the mtc last week on their mission to norway! i wonder if they will cross paths! ;)