Monday, December 15, 2008

Decorating our Way

Since having Christmas as an adult one of my favorite things was going to my parents house and my in laws houses and seeing all their decorations and deciding what I would like to do for our house. My Mom had two family and one fancy. So I have now done this. one with all our fancy blue and silver matching ornaments with silver snowflakes, and glitter and straight white lights.

Than the family tree with anything and everything you can fit on it. With a train around the bottom, thanks to Grandpa Walker, and full of candy canes (one a day per person) as Chad remembers from his childhood.
Our twist was to put Christmas books galore under each tree. Under the "fancy tree" goes the books we own (which I pack away every year with the Christmas decor so when they come out it is a big treat) and under the family tree are books form the library. I always try to get some on sale after the holiday and add to our collection. And now I am trying to find ones that are more chapter books for Kaden.

I also love to do Nativities. Each year I look hard for one I love and rarely find one. We have two breakable up high sets, as we call them. The kids can't play with those. Then we have two that are for playing with and one made of fridge magnets given to us years ago by our Grandma Walker.

This year around September I found a lady online who would cut out wood in the proper shapes and you had to paint and do them all up but it is a complete nativity set. So I ordered 11 (the number that would fit into a flat rate box) And when they got here we painted them and than I sanded them and Ethan helped me to wrap some and get them ready for gifts. It was a great family project and we have one we can keep for ourselves too.

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