Thursday, September 18, 2008

A Late Night

Well tonight was "Constitution Signing" Night at school. We are so lucky to be able to go to a school here in Vegas that is faith based and is just perfect for our boys and our family. The past 3 weeks each grade has worked on their own constitution and tonight was the night they all got to sign it in front of the school. First was a few talks about writing the constitutions, than the upper grammar (4-12 grades) sang a song that combined Sisters of Zion, I am a daughter of God, and the We are as the Army of Helaman songs. It was so wonderful. Than each child was called up with a parent to sign their Constitution. We were lucky to get a picture of each boy signing their class' Constitution.
Than Ethan and Kaden got up with the rest of the school to recite the preamble of the American Constitution, then lower grammar (my kids) got to sing the school song. Ethan was so proud of himself. I think he has been waiting out all of Kaden's events at school for one he could be in and tonight was that night.

I can't begin to tell you all what I think of our little school. Yes it is very small, yes we pay to go there, yes it is across the city so we spend ALOT of time in the car....but for us it is so worth it. I don't know if we can ever move because I know I will never love a school like I love this one!

ps I know there are a lot of Ethan pictures this time, but Kaden HATES the camera. I can hardly get him to look in my direction when I have be prepared for some nasty looks when I do catch a few of him.

pps yes Kaden is in his cub uniform. The principal wanted them all in boy scout uniforms if they had them or dress uniform. Personally I love the dress uniform...not really liking the cub ones, i probably never will.

1 comment:

Jennie said...

very cool!

i am loving this blog of yours!