Sunday, March 4, 2012

{Last few days of February}

Well we have spent a good amount of time on Science Projects this week....the joy of February and March (note sarcasm here.).

But we were all finished up by the time Friday night rolled around so at least I feel like our weekend should be a bit more relaxed.

It was also LEAP DAY! and the joy of teaching school is that I get to know all about leap day to share with my scholars.....but my class decided leap day isn't too much fun since there are no presents and no "booooo to leap day" as one of my scholars put it.

But we finished off the week with "Apo Family Dinner" with B & V and girls to celebrate A's birthday. It's always great to have family close by!

Now onto Science Week...and praying that we can get all the science stuff to school in one piece. (it is tradition here that each time we are to turn in science projects it gets super windy...last year we chased E's title letters through the parking lot and had to redo his board in my this year we went rubber cement to hopefully not have that problem....we'll know on Tuesday morning!)

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