Saturday, January 21, 2012

{This Week}

It was a slower week in our household this week around.

K had mid terms for the first time...welcome to 6th Grade! Which means it was our first time as parents trying to convince him that studying early would be better than cramming. But still he crammed for his geography final (we were eating at a pizza place all learning the rivers, seas, mountains, countries and capitals of Europe) and he got 100%.  So down the tubes for trying to teach that life lesson.

E finally got his wish and had "Grandma Walker" waffles for breakfast on a school day. (we finally got the "right" kind of waffle maker)

We were surprised by a quick 30 minute visit from Grandma Walker and Grandpa Will on Thursday to drop off K's Columbus costume and boy does he love it! And it looks so good. Lucky for me we have someone who knows how to sew.

We ended the busy week with Date Night for C and N...which really means running errands without the boys in tow.

Other than that it was a regular school week around here.

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