So one of my new favorite things to do is to work in a different room than the boys are in and listen to their conversations. They are so funny and don't even know it half the time. Maybe it is not nice of me to listen to it all but they aren't quiet about it and it's just their everyday banter with each other so I figure it's fine and a privilege of being their mom.
So today....E is doing something and K wants him to get something for him.
E..."I'm not your servant. Do it yourself." That comment wasn't made rudely or anything just very matter the fact.
K..."Are you sure?"
K..."because you used to like being my servant."
They are growing up and E isn't as willing to do everything his brother asks is changing.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
{Ruined your Fiesta}
So seeing as it is summer and our boys would sit in front of the tv and play wii all day long we have had to set a few rules around here....which basically limits the hours of using items that require electricity.
So because of my rules the boys are back to being brothers....meaning they play board games, create stuff with paper and all my packing tape, read books, have Lego's scattered all over the house and are having fun with stuff they forgot they owed.
So yesterday they were playing Othello....a game they had forgotten about and i hear the following conversation.
K: "I ruined your FIESTA!"
E doesn't say I ask "What is going on?"
K: "You know he was having a party because he was winning and I totally just ruined his FIESTA!!"
So little did C and I know that we are raising children who are picking up the Spanish here in Vegas....I guess you could call that one small advantage to living we have to find like 99 more to convince ourselves we like it here.
So because of my rules the boys are back to being brothers....meaning they play board games, create stuff with paper and all my packing tape, read books, have Lego's scattered all over the house and are having fun with stuff they forgot they owed.
So yesterday they were playing Othello....a game they had forgotten about and i hear the following conversation.
K: "I ruined your FIESTA!"
E doesn't say I ask "What is going on?"
K: "You know he was having a party because he was winning and I totally just ruined his FIESTA!!"
So little did C and I know that we are raising children who are picking up the Spanish here in Vegas....I guess you could call that one small advantage to living we have to find like 99 more to convince ourselves we like it here.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
{Father's Day 2010}
So the boys didn't know what to get C for father's day until we went to Sam's one day and they found this....
a miniature golf course in a book complete with balls and putter
It was such an exciting find that they declared it the best present and we bought it and took it home.
They fought over who would look at it in the store and I refused to let them look at it anymore outside of the store.
They got ready for church quickly and early so they could give C his present before church...but because of Church callings and phone calls presents didn't get opened first and they had to wait.
They played along with him for a little while after church and I find them playing with it alone so they don't have to share.....
so apparently a happy father's day gift is one that they want to play with...not really what the dad needs or wants.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
{a camera and a tent}
The boys wanted to take a few pictures of camping in the backyard. Obviously E was the photographer since all the pictures ended up of K.
Here's a few of the 30 he took....but keep in mind he took the same shot over and over again so these are just variations of the same 4 shots he took again...and again.
the view of the sky from inside the tent....

brother in the tent
brother in the tent again getting angry
Happy backyard camping!
{going the backyard}
So the boys talked C into putting the tent up in the backyard.
We decided this was a good thing since this is a new tent and we didn't quite know how to get it all
together and seeing as when they camp it is usually C putting it together while the boys wander off...
putting it up in the backyard was a good thing for the first try.
The tent ended up bigger than I thought...which is great.
It stayed up for a good 5 days.
They slept in it half of a night.
Watched 2 movies in there on 2 different nights and played DS in there when I would send them out to "play" (obviously their play was different than what I was thinking they would do.)
Happy Summer Memories being made!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
{the Tradition continues with a twist}
So we had our annual Apo Bowling day when everyone was here in town...with a twist.
And one of our uncles added a great twist....get a strike get a dollar. I think our Uncle K didn't realize that money is a great incentive for kids and adults....who knows how much money he paid out but in our family E got 6 dollars and K got 3. I think he will have to move to quarters next time!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
I knew some of the cousins and our boys were in the front room but wondered why it was so quiet...well this is what they were doing...
good thing the two little ones like to watch the others play.
good thing the two little ones like to watch the others play.
{E's Birthday}
Since his birthday also fell on his baptism day we had a little party afterwards with all our family.
And since we have the most wonderful babysitter/friend/"big brother" for our children who has many talents he created his......
I asked him to make E's cake after seeing his other work (wedding cakes, and other cakes) and he agreed. All I told him was that it had to feed 30 people. He and E came up with the rest. And A. worked his magic. All the parts are edible!
Isn't it amazing?!?! He is now our cake person/babysitter.
And since we have the most wonderful babysitter/friend/"big brother" for our children who has many talents he created his......
I asked him to make E's cake after seeing his other work (wedding cakes, and other cakes) and he agreed. All I told him was that it had to feed 30 people. He and E came up with the rest. And A. worked his magic. All the parts are edible!
Isn't it amazing?!?! He is now our cake person/babysitter.
Yesterday was E's baptism day. He was lucky enough to be baptized on his actual birthday.
We were so lucky to have almost all our Apo Family attend and many of our Walker family come for the event.
We are so proud of the choices E has made so far and we are excited that he wants to continue making those good choices.
We missed all our friends and family who couldn't be here for the event and know that we were thinking of you.
Grandma and Grandpa
Apo Family
Walker Family
Friday, June 4, 2010
{First Swim of the Summer}
As our Apo family arrived in town for E's big day we took a day to celebrate our Grandpa's birthday. We went to a local pool, rented a cabana and spent the day poolside. This was the first pool time for the summer and resulted in K being sunburned for the first time this year and the last.
We love having our family here and spending so much time with everyone!!
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