Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Thanksgiving List

Just a small thankful list....
(in no special order)
my family (near and far)
our little house
our little school
my two little boys (not so little but always will be to me)
my calling at church
all the friends who make our lives so much sweeter
a car that works
friends that blog
game nights with the boys
ice cream
big holiday sales
my boys school teachers
our church
Our Savior
grocery stores
the library (where else can we spend 2 hours and not spend a penny)
My husband who works hard everyday, puts up with my impatience and craziness, will always do anything to make me happy and is always the one to say he's sorry first, and I will always be grateful he asked me to marry him.
Happy Thanksgiving World!!

1 comment:

Jennie said...

amen, my friend, amen!

i love and miss you! i am very thankful for you and our friendship!