Saturday, July 17, 2010

{more rides}

Driving....K and E!! YIKES!!

So they were really happy after riding the Star Tours ride (which made me carsick) and Buzz Lightyear ("it's like being in a videogame Mom!!"  E's quote after the ride). Then we stumbled across the car driving ride while deciding if we were going to wait for the Submarine....the submarie idea went out the window when the boys realized they would drive and C and I would ride with them.

At the end of the driving we had to wait in line to drive up and get out to which K says "I hate this traffic" and almost hit the car in front of us with his impatience.

Let's just say that they aren't the best drivers and don't have the idea down that you don't have to jerk the steering wheel around or slam on and off the gas....I think C will be giving the driving lessons when the time comes.

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