Wednesday, March 3, 2010

{What I Hear}

I'm "working" on the computer.....C is giving E a math lesson....K is supposed to be getting stuff ready for the morning. You can hear some smacking the wall noise coming from the room K is in (thier bedroom).

C: "K what are you doing?"

K: "Smacking the wall with a sticky frog."

(now I'm trying not to laugh too loudly)

C: "Thanks for being honest, but stop!"

30 seconds later

C: (to me) "The laughing isn't helping."

I mean really....first of all he knows he is smacking the wall....secondly I hate those sticky things you throw at the walls b/c either they get permentaly stuck on the ceiling until someone gets a ladder to tear it done (usually my brother from utah when he comes to visit) or they leave marks on the wall.

But really I love the things we have to say as parents and the straight honesty of children.

I mean really what else would you do with a sticky frog?


Jennie said...

ha!! that is so funny!!

i can totally see the entire thing play out!! :)

miss ya!

Holly Barkdull said...

LOL! That is so funny. You guys are such great parents. We miss you all.