Tuesday, December 1, 2009

{THe Fall Flood}

So the morning of Thanksgiving we woke up to water all over the boys bathroom, down the hallway and in the front room of our house. We started soaking up water but it seemed that as fast as we could soak it up the faster it was running out. Finally C turned the water off to the house and thus began our fun experience of turning the water on and off at the street so we could use it.
This was after they dug up our front yard to stop that leak, and replacing our water heater 2 days before...to say the least we were not happy campers.
We found out the next day after tons of phone calls to get someone out here that there was a major leak in the pipes in our house and all the plumbing would have to be replaced. And there we were for 6 days with virutally no water to the house and plumbers everywhere.

They cut holes in almost every wall in the house, turned our garage into a plumbing store and became friends with us for those days.
I think the boys counted 18 holes in all through the house. Here are a few pictures of that holiday fun.

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